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Republican National Convention 2016

Anita McBride interviews on-air with ABC's Devin Dwyer and Amna Nawaz.

From July 18-21, the 2016 Republican National Convention was held in Cleveland, Ohio. SPA Executive in Residence and First Ladies Initiative Director Anita McBride was on-hand to provide expert analysis for media outlets from around the country and around the world. She appeared on numerous media spaces, including network and cable TV, radio, print, and on-line media to discuss a diverse set of issues from Melania Trump's affect on the campaign to foreign policy and global health and development.

CNN New Day with Alisyn Camerota

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Alisyn Camerota on "CNN New Day." The interview was about Melania Trump's speech and other speakers that gave remarks at the Convention the previous night.

FOX News' "The Real Story"

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Martha MacCallum on "The Real Story" to discuss Melania Trump's Convention speech. The segment aired live on FOX News.

MSNBC "Andrea Mitchell Reports"

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell to discuss plagarism allegations surrounding Melania Trump's Convention speech.

Le Pointe

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Helene Vissiere of Le Pointe on the prospects of Bill Clinton as First Man. She discussed what the role may entail and the challenges of having a first First Man and former President in the White House.

Estado Brazil

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Claudia Trevisan of Estado Brazil to discuss Melania Trump's Convention speech and the prospects of a Trump Administration.


Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Dr. Stefan Grobe of EuroNews to discuss Melania Trump's Convention speech and the prospects of a Trump Administration.

The Daily Caller

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by The Daily Caller's Kaitlan Collins about the prospects of Melania Trump as First Lady.

The Christian Science Monitor

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Lucy Schouten of the Christian Science Monitor. McBride discussed the unprecedented role of Donald Trump's children during his campaign for president.

FOX News Radio's "Kilmeade & Friends"

Executive in Residence Anita McBride was interviewed by Brian Kilmeade of FOX News Radio. McBride discussed the prospects of Melania Trump as First Lady. The interview aired live on FOX News Radio.

ABC News Live

Executive in Residence, Anita McBride was interviewed on "ABC News Live" by Devin Dwyer & Amna Nawaz of ABC News prior to Melania Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention. The interview aired live on ABC News.

Canadian TV

Executive in Residence, Anita McBride participated in a live TV interview with Canadian TV to discuss Melania Trump's Convention speech.聽

ARD German TV

Executive in Residence, Anita McBride was interviewed by Hillery Gallasch of ARD German TV to discuss Melania Trump's Convention speech.