Events Archive

2023 Events

  • On December 1,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a book signing for the White House Historical Association's Book Festival to preview her upcoming trade book, Remember the First Ladies: The Legacies of America's History-Making Women, co-authored with Diana Carlin and Nancy Kegan Smith.

  • On November 29,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a for 玉米视频 University's Women and Politics Institute program, "Women on Wednesdays" with co-author Diana Carlin to discuss their recently released textbook on U.S. first ladies and their upcoming trade book on the same topic. Betsy Fischer Martin moderated the conversation.

  • On November 1,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation's Welcome Reception hosted by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN in New York at the United Nations. NIAF was admitted to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as NGO.

  • On October 28,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated as a guest speaker in Professor Diana Carlin's 玉米视频 University SPA's Women in Politics communications class to highlight the new textbook on the legacies of first ladies.

  • On October 14,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in conversation moderated by Michael LaRosa at the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation's Victoria J. Mastrobuono Education Luncheon to celebrate the release of聽U.S. First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies.

  • On October 11,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered welcome remarks at the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy's "National Celebration of Reading and Authors Luncheon" at the Decatur House in Washington, D.C.

  • On October 9,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks on behalf of the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (NIAF) at the annual Columbus Day Ceremony at Columbus Plaza聽in Washington, D.C. She also presented the award to the national essay contest winner for the National Christopher Columbus Association.

  • On September 27,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride for the Presidential Sites Summit, entitled "A Conversation with FLARE - First Ladies Association for Research and Education." Alongside her co-authors, Diana Carlin and Nancy Kegan Smith, McBride discussed the recently released college textbook, U.S. First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies.

  • On September 26,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride for the White House Historical Association's 2023 Presidential Sites Summit at the Smithsonian National Museum of 玉米视频 History. McBride moderated the "Entertaining at the White House" panel, which included former White House Social Secretaries Jeremy Bernard, Gahl Hodges Burt, and Amy Zantzinger.

  • On September 26,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered opening remarks at the Opening Ceremony for the Presidential Sites Summit ahead of the start of the general sessions. The summit brings together individuals from presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums to share innovative ideas on embracing changes in historical interpretation while preserving history.

  • On September 25,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered welcoming at the White House Historical Association's 2023 Presidential Sites Summit at the Library of Congress before the evening's panel, "Preserving Presidential History."聽

  • On September 18,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride honoring this year's recipient of the First Ladies Association for Research and Education's 2023 Lewis L. Gould Award, Catherine Allgor.

  • On July 7,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks in a discussion at Columbia University's -- a four-day executive leadership education academy -- where she discussed how first ladies effectively lead without formal authority, how they set agendas and make long-lasting impact around the world. Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health forcused on how first ladies advance public health leadership and the event was attended by the first ladies of eight African nations.

  • On June 8,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the White House Historical Association's group of Next-Gen Leaders, young professionals with an interest in civics, history, and education. McBride shared her experiences and reflections on working for President and Mrs. Bush and participated alongside Tina Tchen.

  • On May 23,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered welcoming remarks and introduction at a University of Connecticut event honoring the university's new president, Radenka Maric, and highlighting UConn's global education initiatives and recognition of their rank as a #1 Fulbright grant institution. The event was held at the Decatur House in Washington, DC.

  • On March 22,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered introductory remarks at a event co-hosted by 玉米视频 University's Women and Politics Institute and the First Ladies Initiative. Betsy Fischer Martin moderated a conversation with Rebecca Boggs Roberts, author of Untold Power:The Fascinating Rise and Complex Legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson.

  • On February 28,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a program in honor of Black History month, hosted by the First Ladies Association for Research and Education (FLARE) and the White House Historical Association (WHHA). McBride took questions from the audience after historian Sarah Fling's presentation.

  • On February 1,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a 聽at the University of Kansas on the "Evolution of the Modern First Lady -- How We Got from Lady Washington to Dr. Biden." Diana Carlin moderated the discussion between McBride and Michael LaRosa.

  • On January 25,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke with 玉米视频 University's History of the White House course and discussed the creation and evolution of the role of first lady and previewed her upcoming textbook on the legacies of first ladies.

  • On January 19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride moderated a discussion for the White House Historical Association's History Happy Hour, "Presidential Transitions and the Peaceful Transfer of Power." McBride was joined by author David Marchick, Martha Kumar, and Katie Dunn Tenpas as they discussed Marchick's book, The Peaceful Transfer of Power: An Oral History of America's Presidential Transitions. Topics included lessons learned from past transitions and how they've informed future ones to come.

  • On January 18,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks and participated in a conversation with the Capital Speakers Club on the role of first ladies in our nation's history, how the role has evolved, what binds together all of the first ladies, among other topics. McBride previewed her forthcoming textbook, US First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies.


  • On December 13,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-hosted the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation's (NIAF) annual Christmas Congressional Dinner with the Italian 玉米视频 Delegation. McBride serves as Vice Chair National for NIAF's Board. Attendees included Bill Pascrell Jr (D-NJ), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Mark Amodei (R-NV), Virginia Foxx (R-NC), John Garamendi (D-CA), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), Steve Scalise (R-LA), Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Carol Miller (R-WV), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), and Mike Carey (R-OH).

  • On December 7,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was the guest for the social event held virtually. McBride spoke about her time working in the Bush administration.

  • On December 1,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride taped a video tribute for the US Global Leadership Coalition's ceremony honoring President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush with the 2022 Global Leadership Award. McBride spoke about PEPFAR and Mrs. Bush's leadership on global health.

  • On November 29,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-hosted and delivered remarks at the at the Planet Word Museum in Washington, DC. The event featured guest author, Huma Abedin, chief of staff to Secretary Hillary Clinton, in a conversation moderated by Gina Adams of FedEx.

  • On November 15,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was the featured guest author at a Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy event in Palm Beach, Florida, hosted in partnership with the Ann Norton Sculpture Garden. McBride discussed the textbook on first ladies she co-authored.

  • On November 14,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks and read a letter from former First Lady Laura Bush to the annual 玉米视频 University of Afghanistan benefit dinner.

  • On November 14,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the Washington University at Brookings seminar program, "Inside the White House" on decision-making in the White House.

  • On November 10,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride and the 玉米视频 University First Ladies Initiative co-hosted a Lafayette 148 fashion show with 玉米视频's Women and Politics Institute, with the proceeds benefiting Women and Politics.

  • On October 29,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke virtually to 玉米视频 University's SPA Government Class 485-001 on America's First Ladies and previewed her forthcoming textbook: 玉米视频 First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies.

  • On October 20,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke virtually to St. Louis University's Communications Class 4930-01 on America's First Ladies and previewed her forthcoming textbook: 玉米视频 First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies.

  • On October 10,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at the annual National Columbus Day Ceremony at Columbus Plaza at Union Station in Washington, DC. The National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (NIAF) 聽joined with the National Christopher Columbus Association, the Embassy of Italy, and the National Park Service. McBride serves as Vice Chair of NIAF, and she laid the wreath together with the NIAF-NCCA Christopher Columbus Essay Contest Winner, John Hill.

  • On September 19, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at the in New York and presented the 2022 Concordia Leadership Award to Ginni Rometty, former CEO of IBM and Co-Chair of the Executive Board at OneTen. McBride chairs the Leadership Committee as a member of Concordia's Leadership Council.

  • On August 22, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was presented with the 2022 Lewis L. Gould Award, an annual award presented by the First Ladies Association for Research and Education (FLARE). It recognizes McBride's contributions to the field of First Lady research and education over her two decades of service in three presidential administrations and in her commitment to furthering the study of 玉米视频 First Ladies.

  • On August 16, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a (FLARE)'s Public Program on First Ladies and War, along with Nancy Kegan Smith, Katherine Sibley, Barbara Perry, and Thomas Balcerski. McBride discussed ways that first ladies, including Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, and Jill Biden, have worked to support our nation's troops and military families and reassure the country during trying times.

  • On August 5, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a virtual Teacher Institute training session for the White House Historical Association. It was a joint program on first ladies with Tina Tchen, who served as First Lady Michelle Obama's chief of staff in the White House.
  • On August 1, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was the guest author featured at the . McBride previewed her upcoming textbook on first ladies.

  • On July 29,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a Teacher Training session with the White House Historical Association's 2022 Teacher Institute. McBride discussed her experiences working at the White House.
  • On May 24,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride traveled to Italy as part of the and met with President of the Italian Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, the first woman to hold the position and the third highest ranking member of the Italian government. The WDN meetings conducted a review of women's political participation in countries throughout Western Europe and how the IRI and WDN can play a role in fostering interest and growth.
  • On May 17,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride moderated a panel discussion on "The Legacy and Impact of the First Lady" at the celebration of Nancy Reagan's Centennial. Panelists included Douglas Brinkley, Carl Cannon, and Nancy Kegan Smith.
  • On May 10,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride introduced historian Heath Lee and former White House staffer Barbara Franklin for their "" discussion for the White House Historical Association. The discussion centered around the Nixon administration's initiative to bring more women into leadership roles and First Lady Pat Nixon's influential role to promote gender equity in the 1970s.
  • On May 6,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered the 32nd annual Fribolin Lecture at Keuka College in New York on the importance of first ladies work on civil and human rights.
  • On April 11, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a conversation for Richard Benedetto's class at 玉米视频 University. She discussed media coverage of first ladies -- in particular contrasting Melania Trump and Jill Biden's style differences, media coverage, and travel.
  • On April1, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride moderated a conversation for the Sulgrave Club in Washington, DC with Fred Ryan, the publisher of the Washington Post and former chairman of the White House Historical Association (WHHA). They discussed his recent book, Wine and the White House, which benefits the WHHA.
  • On March 31,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-hosted, along with the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (NIAF) and fellow board member, Pat Harrison, a luncheon to honor the new Ambassador from the Republic of Italy to the United States, Mariangela Zappia. Ambassador Zappia is the first female Italian ambassador to the US and the luncheon at the Decatur House also celebrated Women's History Month.
  • On March 25,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride addressed the Ronald Reagan Institute's Leadership and the 玉米视频 Presidency (LTAP) student alumni program, followed by an audience Q&A.聽
  • On March 15-19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-hosted the with the White House Historical Association in Dallas. The theme of this year's summit was inspired by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, "The White House Belongs to the 玉米视频 People." Leaders gathered to discuss insights into the management and outreach of presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums. McBride was a panelist during a discussion with former chiefs of staff, introduced a session on sparking civic engagement through history education, introduced speakers to discuss America250, and delivered remarks at the George W. Bush Presidential Center.
  • On March 9,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to Wake Forest University's Program for Leadership and Character, meeting with undergraduates from Wake Forest and the University of Pennsylvania, at the Decatur House. McBride discussed the first ladies initiative at 玉米视频 University and FLARE, the new research association on first ladies.
  • On January 19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks and participated in a conversation with the University of Connecticut Honors Program as part of their UConn Honors Congressional Internship Program. McBride discussed her career working in previous presidential administrations and her work with the First Ladies Initiative at 玉米视频 University.
  • On January 19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride moderated a with the US-Afghan Women's Council and the Atlantic Council to highlight Afghan women's expertise as essential to the future of Afghanistan. Panelists included Belquis Ahmadi from the US Institute of Peace, Ambassador Shukria Barakzai, former Ambassador of Afghanistan to Norway, Hosna Jalil, former Afghan Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs for Policy and Strategy, and Muqaddesa Yourish, former Afghan Deputy Minister for Commerce and Industry. The event featured opening remarks by Rina Amiri, US Special Envoy for Afghan Women, Girls, and Human Rights.
  • On January 19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a class discussion for the White House Historical Association's "White House History" course for 玉米视频 University. McBride discussed her experiences working in the White House, the FLARE and First Ladies Initiative partnerships at 玉米视频, and how first ladies manage their public duties.
  • On January 7,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was interviewed on CNN's by Brianna Keilar and John Berman to discuss the anniversary of the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the presence of Congresswoman Liz Cheney and former Vice President Dick Cheney at the Capitol to mark that day.

2021 Events

  • On November 8,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride organized and participated in a panel discussion for the Jefferson Educational Society's Global Summit XIII in Erie, Pennsylvania. Steve Scully moderated the panel of McBride and Stacy Cordery as they discussed "The History and Role of First Ladies." Barbara Perry participated virtually. The panel was presented in partnership with 玉米视频 University and the First Ladies Association for Research and Education (FLARE).
  • On November 5,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered opening remarks at an event at the Embassy of Afghanistan to support the Afghan Eagle Online Academy, a nonprofit organization that focuses on quality education for girls and young women from Afghanistan.
  • On October 21,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered welcome remarks for the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy Authors Lunch at the Decatur House ahead of the 2021 National Celebration of Reading.
  • On October 20,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered introductory remarks for the First Ladies Association for Research and Education's (FLARE) virtual conversation, "." McBride introduced panelists Myra Gutin and Jeanne Wolfson. Ambassador Nancy Brinker also spoke at the event on two first ladies impact on breast cancer awareness.
  • On October 19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride took part in a panel discussion at 玉米视频 University with Connie Morella on the status of women in Afghanistan. McBride also moderated a virtual discussion with US-Afghan Women's Council member, Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai, on her experiences as an Afghan refugee.
  • On October 11,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was the keynote speaker at the annual National Columbus Day Ceremony at Columbus Plaza at Union Station in Washington, DC. The event was co-sponsored by the National Christopher Columbus Association and the National Parks Service. McBride serves as a Board member for the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (NIAF) and presented the award to the high school Christopher Columbus Essay Contest Winner, Joseph Stetson, and laid a wreath. They were joined by the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, Santiago Cabanas, and the Minister of the Italian Embassy, Maurizio Greganti.
  • On September 21,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered introductory remarks at the to Laura Bush for her work advancing literacy, education, and women's rights in the U.S. and around the world, in particular for her work on behalf of the women of Afghanistan.
  • On September 17,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a keynote conversation for the Network of Enlightened Women's Fall Intern Summit where she shared with Capitol Hill interns professional development advice, her policy work to help women, and thoughts on the current situation for women in Afghanistan.
  • On September 10,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a panel discussion at in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of September 11th entitled Remembering 9/11: The View from DC and 玉米视频.聽McBride shared her experiences of working at the White House on that day with fellow panelists David Malet and Jason Benkendorf, and moderator Betsy Fischer Martin.
  • On September 8,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a panel discussion at the , September 11, Twenty Years Removed: A Look Back at the Nation and the White House.聽Susan Page moderated the panel with McBride, Ann Compton, and Donna Hayashi Smith.
  • On September 4,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered welcoming remarks at the virtual Freshman Interest Meeting for 玉米视频 University's College Republicans chapter.
  • On July 16,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a conversation with Tina Tchen, moderated by Dr. Colleen Shogan, for the White House Historical Association's Teacher Institute about the role of the White House staff across administrations.
  • On June 24,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to introduce a conversation with Jean Becker, author of the recently released, The Man I Knew: The Amazing Story of聽George H.W. Bush鈥檚 Post-Presidency. The event was moderated by Andrea Mitchell and co-hosted by the White House Historical Association and the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy at the Decatur House.
  • On May 12,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride introduced a for 玉米视频 University's Women and Politics Institute between Betsy Fischer Martin and Karen Tumulty, author of the recently released biography, The Triumph of Nancy Reagan.
  • On May 6,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered opening remarks at the White House Historical Association's . The First Ladies Initiative at 玉米视频 University, under the direction of McBride, co-hosted and helped organize the day-long event. McBride also moderated a panel entitled "First Ladies Reconsidered" with Amy Greenberg, Lois Romano, and Julia Sweig.
  • On April 16,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride introduced former Lt. General H.R. McMaster before his remarks to Washington, DC's Sulgrave Club on the publication of his book, Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World, and moderated a question-and-answer session.
  • On April 13,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride hosted a talk聽with former Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato and former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for , to celebrate 160 years of U.S.-Italy diplomatic relations and the century to come.
  • On April 13,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride聽spoke with Karen Tumulty, the author of the newly released biography The Triumph of Nancy Reagan, at the .
  • On March 31, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride for the National Archives Foundation's "First Ladies Who Risked Their Lives for Civil Rights" event, alongside Dr. Diana Carlin and Nancy Kegan Smith. McBride presented on the history of first ladies and civil rights, including the work by Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, and Michelle Obama.
  • On March 25, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks and answered questions as a guest speaker for Professor Richard Benedetto's political communication class at 玉米视频 University. McBride addressed the recent presidential press conference, and compared and contrasted coverage of first ladies from Eleanor Roosevelt to the present.
  • On March 25, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a virtual Journalist Breakfast panel for the White House Historical Association (WHHA) to brief reporters on the work of the Presidential Sites Summit, the partnership between WHHA and 玉米视频 University, and her expertise and time serving in the White House.
  • On March 16, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a at the National Portrait Gallery with Gwendolyn Shaw for the exhibition "Every Eye is Upon Me: First Ladies of the United States." The exhibit聽explores the historical significance of nearly 250 years of first ladies and includes more than 60 portraits.
  • On March 11, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride introduced a Zoom chat at the Sulgrave Club between Kevin Butterfield, the director of George Washington's library at Mount Vernon, and Lynne Cheney, who discussed her new book, The Virginia Dynasty: Four Presidents and the Creation of the 玉米视频 Nation.
  • On February 19,聽Executive in Residence聽Anita B. McBride delivered remarks via Zoom to the University of Connecticut Honors Program to share insights on the Inauguration, the presidential transition process, the new first lady's role, and the future of the Republican party.
  • On January 26,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the on the presidential transition process at the White House, the Inauguration, what President Joe Biden can expect in his first few weeks in office, and McBride's tenure in three presidential administrations.
  • On January 15,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride hosted a Media Briefing Panel at 玉米视频 University, along with fellow professors Molly O'Rourke and David Barker. McBride briefed the media on topics such as the upcoming presidential inauguration and transition, results of Georgia's senatorial elections, the historic roles of first ladies and first gentlemen, women in politics, and what to expect during the first 100 days of the Biden administration.
  • On January 13,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the International Club on the role of the first lady, the upcoming presidential inauguration and transition, and the White House Historical Association's 60th anniversary in memory of Jackie Kennedy. A Q&A session was moderated by Stephen Burwell following McBride's remarks.

2020 Events

  • On December 9,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride held a Book Talk for the with Kate Andersen Brower, author of Exploring the White House: Inside America's Most Famous Home. Brower's book presents the White House's history to younger readers. Brower discussed her inspiration for writing a children's book, stories of First Children growing up in the White House, White House transitions, and her advice for young readers who want to work at the White House.
  • On December 7,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke at the "Inside the White House" course at Washington University at the Brookings Institution. McBride led the session "Decision-Making in the West Wing" to offer her perspective as a former assistant to the president and discussed how different offices operate to serve the president.
  • On November 30,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride led a virtual discussion with Congresswoman Liz Cheney for the 玉米视频 University College Republicans and their 2020 Congressional Series. They discussed making the case of international 玉米视频 leadership and a strong defense to the young voter.
  • On November 17,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride discussed the role and importance of the White House Residence staff with the White House Historical Association's Steward McLaurin over video for #. She shared about the roles, staff structure, and the deep relationship the Residence staff builds with the First Families.
  • On October 15,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a classroom lecture and discussion in 玉米视频 University's "History of the White House" class taught by Matthew Costello, Senior Historian at the White House Historical Association, on the history of the East Wing and West Wing.聽
  • On October 15,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride answered current affairs questions submitted by children in disadvantaged schools in the United Kingdom as part of The Economist Foundation's partnership with the covering the U.S. elections.聽
  • On October 12,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks, along with fellow National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (NIAF) board member, John Calvelli, to contribute to a virtual Columbus Day event with guests from America and Italy celebrating "Two flags, one heart."
  • On October 7,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was awarded the Italian honor of "Cavaliere" of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the highest-ranking honor of the Italian Republic. McBride serves as the Vice Chair of Cultural Affairs for the (NIAF) and was recognized for her work in strengthening relations between Italy and the United States. The event was hosted by Ambassador Varricchio at Villa Firenze, the residence of the Ambassador of Italy to the United States.
  • On October 1,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at the virtual 2020 Decorative Arts in the White House Symposium on the partnership between the White House Historical Association and the Winterthur Museum Garden & Library.
  • On September 24,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered opening remarks to the virtual . As a member of the Leadership Council, McBride chaired the Awards Committee. The 2020 Leadership Awards were presented to Ant贸nio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Doug McMillon, the President and CEO of Walmart, and Christiana Figueres, the former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
  • On September 23,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride was a Featured Mentor with Running Start's Fall Mentorship Program. The program trains young women to be leaders in politics and provides them with聽in-depth networking and mentorships.
  • On September 15,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined the College Republican National Committee's Women's Speaker Event Series broadcast to women on college campuses nationwide. The goal was to encourage women to learn from mentors, gain valuable insights, and to work to achieve their own goals.
  • On September 14,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride, along with the White House Historical Association, participated in SMU's Town and Gown Club meeting.
  • On September 10,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride opened the second virtual pre-summit session for the White House Historical Association's ahead of a roundtable discussion.
  • On August 24,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a panel discussion with Sine Institute of Policy and Politics' Executive Director, Amy K. Dacey, Alphonso Jackson, and Susan Molinari to preview the Republican National Convention.
  • On August 19,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a virtual discussion with Jeanne Allen and Lawrence Staten for the Center for Education Reform's program "Why America? 2020: Toward a More Perfect Union" to discuss the origins, integrity, and practice of peaceful assembly in the United States, including protests in Lafayette Square near the White House.
  • On August 17,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at a virtual opening ceremony for the Eagle Online Academy, an online school founded by US-Afghan Women's Council member, Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai. McBride serves as an advisory board member for the Eagle Online Academy.
  • On July 23,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-hosted a virtual discussion with the White House Historical Association's president, Stewart McLaurin.
  • On July 10,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a virtual Q&A session for the 2020 White House History Teacher Institute with Colleen Shogan, the White House Historical Association's Senior Vice President. McBride shared her insights working in the White House, particularly as First Lady Laura Bush's chief of staff.
  • On June 24,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride聽co-hosted a webinar for the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (NIAF) with author Carla Gambescia on "Italy in our Hearts and Minds: The Alchemy of Italy."
  • On June 15,聽Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride聽spoke virtually on the聽Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy alongside Jean Becker and Sam LeBlond to discuss Barbara Bush's passion for literacy and her new bestselling book, Pearls of Wisdom. McBride serves as the Barbara Bush Foundation 30th Anniversary Co-Chair. .
  • On May 19, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride help lead the First Ladies Colloquium hosted by the White House Historical Association and 玉米视频 University, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The virtual event gathered 16 renowned scholars and experts to share their research on first ladies, how the role of the first lady has evolved, and the historical impact of these women.
  • On February 20, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke at 玉米视频 with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace to discuss his career in journalism and his thoughts on the current political climate.
  • On January 29, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride introduced 玉米视频 University President Sylvia Burwell at an event for the 2020 Class of Presidential Leadership Scholars (PLS).
  • On January 15, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos at a RightNOW event on education initiatives.

2019 events

  • On December 10, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride provided a press briefing at the White House Historical Association to provide background information on WHHA and its extensive resources, programs, and partnerships for new members of the White House Press Corps.

  • On November 21, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the 玉米视频 Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) on the value of foreign language study to teachers of Italian at an event sponsored by the Italian Embassy in Washington, DC.

  • On November 13, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a panel discussion with Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden on the legacies of first ladies and Barbara Bush's impact on literacy, moderated by MSNBC's Ali Velshi at the Kennedy Center.

  • On November 12, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the 30th Anniversary of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC.

  • On November 2, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke at a roundtable discussion on the current state of US politics and the 2020 election to the US-Italy Chamber of Commerce delegation in Washington, DC.

  • On October 28, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the inaugural Fulbright Humphrey Fellows Professional Affiliation Fair hosted by 玉米视频 University at the 玉米视频 School of Law in Washington, DC.

  • On October 25, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the 60th Anniversary of the US-Poland Fulbright Program at the Embassy of Poland in Washington, DC.

  • On October 21, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a panel discussion on her time in public service at the Women in Government Service Leadership Forum in Washington, DC.

  • On October 14, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined Italian and Spanish Ambassadors to the US and federal and local officials to give remarks on behalf of the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation to the National Christopher Columbus Celebration at Union Station in Washington, DC.

  • On October 2, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a roundtable discussion with US-Germany Fulbright Commission Director and team to discuss innovations in the Fulbright program and branding and potential workforce development and apprenticeship programs at the US-German Commission in Berlin.

  • On October 2, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a roundtable with US Fulbright grantees in Germany to discuss what to expect as new student participants in Fulbright programs throughout Germany at the US-German Commission in Berlin.

  • On October 1, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the Fulbright Scholarship Program New Student Orientation at the University of Notre Dame in Rome, Italy.

  • On September 30, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to US-Italy Fulbright alumni on behalf of the Fulbright Board and US State Department on the importance of the alumni network to the Fulbright program. Attendees included US Embassy officials and the Italian Ministry of Culture at the MAXXI Museum in Rome.

  • On September 23, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride presented the Concordia Leadership Award at the Concordia Summit and moderated a discussion with award recipient, Lynne Doughtie, U.S. Chairman and CEO of KPMG in New York.

  • On September 15, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the National Semiquincentennial Commission Dinner at the Decatur House.

  • On September 12, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride presented to the 玉米视频 University Board of Trustees on programmatic partnerships with the White House Historical Association.

  • On September 10, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a for the Richard Nixon Library Foundation's program honoring Pat Nixon: 50th Anniversary as First Lady at the White House Historical Association.

  • On September 8, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the Network of Enlightened Women at 玉米视频 University.

  • On September 4, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride guest lectured to the White House History Class at 玉米视频 University.

  • On May 30, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a panel discussion at the at the Gerald R. Ford Library on "Inside the White House: Behind the Scenes of the First Ladies Office" with Tina Tchen, former Chief of Staff to Michelle Obama, moderated by Stewart McLaurin, president of the White House Historical Association.

  • On May 29, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks on behalf of the Fulbright Board to the annual NAFSA Conference of International Educators Town Hall at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

  • On May 23, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a panel discussion at the Miller Center's Presidential Ideas Fest at the University of Virginia. The moderated a talk with Margaret Brennan of CBS News and the University of Virginia's Jennifer Lawless covered "."

  • On May 11, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the Maryland Chapter of the Daughters of the 玉米视频 Revolution.
  • On April 10, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride guest lectured at Professor Richard Benedetto's Political Communications class at 玉米视频 University, on the role of U.S. first ladies.
  • On February 28, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride attended the screening for the launch of CNN's The Bush Years: Family, Duty, Power documentary at the US Navy Memorial Auditorium and participated in a post-screening panel discussion hosted by CNN's Jamie Gangel.
  • On February 25, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the Italian 玉米视频 Congressional delegation reception on Capitol Hill in the Cannon House Office Building.
  • On February 22, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the University of Connecticut Honors Program at the White House Historical Association.
  • On February 13, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the International Neighbors Club's visit to 玉米视频 University, hosted by Stephen Burwell.
  • On February 6, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the Presidential Leadership Scholars program at 玉米视频 University.

2018 Events

  • Boise State University (Idaho), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita McBride delivered closing Keynote Remarks at Boise State University's Women's Leadership Conference (September 27).
  • Zion Bank (Idaho), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke at the (September 27).
  • White House Historical Association (Washington, D.C.), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined in multiple panels and events related to The White House Historical Association Presidential Sites Summit (August 27-30).
  • White House Historical Association (Washington, D.C.), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke聽with the TWHHA Teacher Institute on White House History (July 20).
  • Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation (Washington, D.C.), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke to the Ronald Reagan Foundation Leadership and the 玉米视频 Presidency Fellows (July 20).
  • Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program (Rome, Italy), Remarks - Executive in Residence (and Fulbright Board Member) Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to the 70th Anniversary of Fulbright Italy at Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, Italy (June 14).
  • National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks and introduced Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the White House ceremony honoring Italian National Day (June 1).
  • 玉米视频 University (Washington, DC), Moderator - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride moderated a KPU sponsored speaker event with former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on her experience as CEO and campaigning for president (April 5).
  • 玉米视频 University (Washington, DC), Class Presentation - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke to SPA Professor Richard Benedetto's Political Communications class about the聽influence of first ladies and how they are covered by the media (April 4).
  • Southern Methodist University Conference on Southern First Ladies (Dallas, Texas), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride presented on the contributions of Laura W. Bush as a first lady from Texas (March 27).
  • Running Start Awards Gala (Washington, D.C.), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered聽remarks and presented聽an award聽to the Running Start Student Ambassador at the Young Women to Watch awards gala (March 14).
  • Natl Organization of Italian 玉米视频 Women (Washington, D.C.) - Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride presented聽on the contributions of first ladies throughout history in honor of Women's History Month (March 8).
  • Natl Italian 玉米视频 Foundation (Washington, DC), Intro Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered聽welcome remarks to Congressional and WH Staff and Members of Congress for screening of the PBS documentary "The Italians鈥 (March 7).
  • 玉米视频 University (Washington, DC), Panel Discussion - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined an SPA panel discussion for Women鈥檚 History Month (March 6).
  • George W Bush Presidential Center (Dallas, Texas), Panel - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined a panel discussion at the opening of "First Ladies: Style of Influence Exhibit at the George W Bush Library" (March 1).
  • The Sulgrave Club Author Lecture Series (Washington, DC), Intro Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride introduced author Charles Denyer and his book Number One Observatory Circle: The Home of the Vice President of the United States (February 20).
  • 玉米视频 University College Republicans (Washington, DC), Panel Participant - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride joined聽a professional development panel discussion with SPA Dean Vicky Wilkins and CCPS Director Dave Barker for the 玉米视频CR's and Network of Enlightened Women (January 24).
  • Running Start Young Women's Leadership Program (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke to Running Start's Star Fellows on women's political leadership (December 1).
  • Book event for Greta Van Susteren (Washington, DC), Co-host - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-hosted book launch event at The Jefferson Hotel for Greta Van Susteren's "Everything You Need to Know about Social Media" (November 27).
  • 玉米视频 University - Fall Preview Day, Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in Graduate Admissions Fall Preview Day on the role of the US President's Spouse (November 11).
  • 玉米视频 University - Arboretum Luncheon (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered welcoming remarks and author introduction of Jonathan Pliska' The President's Garden on behalf the 玉米视频 Arboretum event (November 9).
  • "The Need to Know" Women's Leadership Series - I Ricchi (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks on the leadership of US First Ladies at a women's leadership dinner series " The Need to Know" hosted by Washington DC restauranteur Chris Ricchi (November 6).
  • Congressional Meeting (US Capitol Washington, DC), Participant - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a bipartisan bicameral Congressional briefing on the status of women in Afghanistan with First Lady of Afghanistan Rula Ghani and former US first Lady Laura Bush (November 1).
  • Christopher Columbus Commission (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks on behalf of the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation honoring Columbus Day celebration at Columbus Plaza Union Station (October 9).
  • National Capital Lawyer's Association (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at luncheon honoring the spouses of the Supreme Court (October 5).
  • President's Commission on White House Fellows (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride gave remarks to 2017-2018 Class of White House Fellows (October 3).
  • White House Historical Association (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride spoke at briefing for White House reporters on resources at White House Historical Association on White House history (August 24).
  • White House Historical Association (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride participated in a panel discussion at the White House Historical Association's Decatur House on the White House History Journal publication on 玉米视频 First Ladies (July 18).
  • Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks at the White House History Museum on the historical role of 玉米视频 First Ladies to the Ronald Reagan Leadership and the Presidency Fellows (June 27).
  • Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program (Washington, DC), Remarks - Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride delivered remarks to Pre-departure orientation of Fulbright grantees to the Middle East, Near East Asia and South Central Asia region (June 16).
  • Guest Lecture (Washington, DC) - Anita B. McBride spoke at Professor Richard Benedetto's class in the 玉米视频 University School of Public Affairs about media coverage of America's First Ladies (April 5).
  • Canadian Electricity Association Luncheon (Washington, DC), Panelist - Anita B. McBride spoke on a panel with Mack McLarty, former Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton, about their insights on the Trump Administration (April 4).
  • Remarks to Running Start's Spring Fellows (Washington, DC), Speaker - Anita B. McBride spoke with the Spring Fellows of Running Start about her journey through the public sector. Running Start is a non-profit that supports women leaders in public service (March 17).
  • Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Fellowship Program (Washington, DC), Speaker - Anita B. McBride served as a Ronald Reagan Guest Lecturer for the Reagan Foundation's Fall 2016 Leadership and the 玉米视频 Presidency Fellows. The lecture was at the Decatur House, and McBride spoke on presidential leadership within the first 100 days of office (March 9).
  • APCO Worldwide International Women's Day Panel (Washington, DC), Panelist - Anita B. McBride presented on a panel with Margery Kraus, chairman of APCO Worldwide, and Lisa Osborne Ross, managing director of APCO in D.C. McBride spoke about the role of the First Lady on the global stage (March 8).
  • (Washington, DC), Moderator - Anita B. McBride moderated a conversation with NBC's Greta Van Susteren at the International Republican Institute and Women's Democracy Network's annual event (March 2).
  • Guest Lecture (Washington, DC) - Anita B. McBride spoke at Professor Laura Cox Kaplan's class in the 玉米视频 University School of Public Affairs. Professor Cox Kaplan's class is about the ways in which women navigate in the political sphere (February 11).
  • Presidential Leadership Scholars Dinner (Washington, DC) - Anita B. McBride presented opening remarks at the Presidential Leadership Scholars Dinner at the Decatur House. The Presidential Leadership Scholars is a project of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, the Clinton Foundation, the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, and the Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, and this dinner was organized by the George W. Bush Presidential Center (February 10).
  • Annual National 4-H Conference (Washington, DC) - Anita B. McBride presented on a panel at the annual National 4-H Conference (January 18).
  • On Behalf of the President: Presidential Spouses and White House Communication Strategy Today - Anita McBride will join a panel discussion following a lecture with author Lauren Wright. The event will take place at The George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas (November 14).
  • The Transfer of Power: Ensuring a Smooth Presidential Transition, Speaker - Anita McBride joined this panel presented by Bloomberg Government that discussed the behind-the-scenes work of the presidential transition teams (October 27).
  • (Washington, DC) - McBride spoke at a National Press Foundation Capitol Hill Issues Briefing on the presidential transition process. The panel consisted of David Eagles, Director of the Center for Presidential Transition at the Partnership for Public Service, and Bill Galston, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, along with Executive-in-Residence, Anita McBride (October 17). Read Anita's blog following the briefing on Dispatches from the Campaign Trail .
  • (Philadelphia, PA) - McBride spoke alongside Harvard Law professor and former federal judge, Nancy Gertner at a Penn Law Critical Global Conversation, Gender and the 2016 Presidential Election: The Global Impact. The event was sponsored by 玉米视频 Constitution Society for Law & Policy, and Penn Law Women's Association (October 14).
  • Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Fellowship Program (Washington, DC) - McBride served as a Ronald Reagan Guest Lecturer for the Reagan Foundation's Fall 2016 Leadership and the 玉米视频 Presidency Fellows. The lecture was at the Decatur House, and McBride spoke on presidential leadership within the first 100 days of office (October 11).
  • , Panelist - Anita McBride spoke on the panel, "Preparing for the Presidential Transition," sharing insights on previous transitions, and what the next administration will look like. (October 6)
  • , Panelist - Anita McBride served as a panelist at the 2016 Concordia Summit's panel entitled, "Global Women's Empowerment: How Achieving Gender Equality Affects More Than Women." The panel included Cherie Blair, Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, H.E. Monica Geingos, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia, Jim Jones, Community Investment Programs Manager at ExxonMobil, and Kathy Calvin, President and CEO of the United Nations Foundation (September 20).
  • EY and Barclays Women's Event, Speaker - Anita McBride led a moderated discussion entitled, "Women In Politics: Leadership in a Changing Political Landscape," hosted by Ernst & Young and Barclays. McBride spoke about women in leadership and politics and career development (September 19).
  • , Conference Chair - Anita McBride chaired the 2016 Legacies of America's First Ladies conference, hosted by the 玉米视频 University School of Public Affairs in partnership with Joining Forces, the George W. Bush Institute, the White House Historical Association, the National Archives, the National Archives Foundation, and the 玉米视频 University Library. The conference highlighted first ladies' historical commitment to helping America's veterans, service members, and military families. First Lady Michelle Obama and former First Lady Laura Bush participated in a moderated discussion at the conference, along with other historians, journalists, and veterans (September 16).
  • 玉米视频 Kogod School of Business, "Best Ideas to Grow the Economy" - Anita McBride joined 玉米视频 leaders and policymakers to participate in a discussion on economic growth (July 21).
  • The Global Oval Summit, panelist - Anita McBride, served as a panelist and discussed the importance of global health policy in the next administration alongside Congressman Dan Donovan and Dr. Toby Cosgrove at The Global Oval Summit, hosted by CARE Action, the Better World Campaign, and the ONE Campaign (July 20).
  • U.S. Department of State, " " - Anita McBride participated in a foreign press briefing and discussed topics such as Donald Trump's potential relationship with Congress, his foreign policy, and Melania Trump's Convention speech (July 19).
  • 玉米视频 University's Office of Alumni Relations Reception at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Panelist (July 18).
  • - Anita McBride spoke to a group of rising college juniors about her career experience, leadership in Washington, DC, and professional development opportunities (July 5).
  • Laura W. Bush Women's Initiative Policy Advisory Council - Anita McBride, Advisory Council Member and Chair of the First Ladies Initiative at the George W. Bush Institute led a discussion on the status of the First Ladies Initiative at the Laura W. Bush Women's Initiative Policy Advisory Council meeting (June 29).
  • 玉米视频 University School of Communications COMM-420: Topics in News Media, Guest Lecturer - Anita McBride served as a guest lecturer in Richard Benedetto's Topics in the News Media class (April 4).
  • - Opening Remarks, Washington, DC (March 30)
  • Georgetown University Institute of Politics and Public Service - Panelist, " Inside the East Wing: A Conversation about the modern Office of the First Lady and the evolving role of the ultimate partner-in-chief," Washington, DC (March 30)
  • The White House Historical Association in partnership with The Embassy of Italy and the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation - Panelist, " Italy in the White House: A Conversation on Historical Perspectives," Washington, DC (March 2)
  • NAM Board of Directors Meeting - Panelist, "The Challenges Awaiting #45: What's on the Desk of the Next President?," Naples, FL (February 29)
  • 玉米视频 College Republicans - Speaker on the state of the primary race and on working in the White House (February 3)
  • - Panel moderator, "A Christmas Conversation: Entertaining at the White House," Dallax, TX (December 1)
  • Brookings Institution - Remarks to the Executive Leadership Program on "Decision Making in the White House," Washington, DC (November 16)
  • Running Start - Guest Speaker, Weekly Mentorship Guest Speaker Program, Washington, DC (November 13)
  • Georgetown University - Keynote Remarks, Rising Afghan Women's Initiative (RAWLI) graduation ceremony for 15 Afghan women participants (October 9)
  • Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board - Addressed EUR/EURASIA students, scholars, alumni, and Fulbright-Clinton fellows at Pre-Departure Orientation (July 31)
  • - Moderated a panel on the Kennedy Rose Garden (July 28)
  • U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission - Provided remarks for an event in collaboration with the National Italian 玉米视频 Foundation and the US Consulate in Milan (June 24)
  • The White House Historical Association - Introductory remarks celebrating a new publication of First Ladies: Presidential Historians on the Lives of 45 Iconic 玉米视频 Women (May 20)
  • 玉米视频 University - Panelist, "Nerd Prom" Film Screening & Panel Discussion (April 27)
  • 玉米视频 University - Opening remarks, Conflict Cuisine: Kitchen as the New Venue for Foreign Policy (April 21)
  • 玉米视频 University School of Public Affairs - Guest lecturer in Andrew Kline's Public-Private Partnership class (April 13)
  • 玉米视频 University - Moderator, KPU Wonk Award (April 8)
  • Afghanistan Fulbright Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development - Keynote remarks, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, Ohio (April 3)
  • 玉米视频 University School of Public Affairs - Guest lecturer in Professor Richard Benedetto's Politics of Mass Communication class (April 1)
  • National Organization of Italian-玉米视频 Women and the Italian Club of the Washington College of Law of 玉米视频 University - Speaker, Career Conversations for Young Professionals. Joint appearance with ambassador in residence, Connie Morella. Washington, DC (April 1)
  • 玉米视频 University College Republicans - Speaker, "Inside the Bush Administration," Washington, DC (March 31)
  • 玉米视频 University School of Communications - Guest lecturer in Professor Corinne Hoare's Crisis Communications class, Washington, DC (March 31)
  • - Panelist, "Discussion with White House Insiders on Press, Politics and Public Policy," Washington, DC (March 27)
  • - Panelist, "The Leadership of First Lady Laura Bush," Long Island, NY (March 24-26)
  • Meridian International Center, Council on Women's Leadership and George W. Bush Institute's Women's Initiative Fellowship - "Speed mentoring" program for Tunisian fellows. Washington, DC (March 17)
  • Concordia Partnership Celebration Dinner, Global Partnerships Week - Introductory Remarks, Washington, DC (March 9)
  • International Women's Day Summit, "Celebrating Global Women." Cosponsored by the International Republican Institute and the Diplomatic Courier. Moderator, panel on women's political participation. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC (March 4)
  • - Spouse's Program. Presenter, "Legacies of America's First Ladies." Washington, DC (February 22)
  • Children's National Healing Garden Launch Event - Member, advisory committee and liaison with first ladies for program in honor of first ladies' involvement with Children's National Health System (formerly Children's Hospital), Washington, DC (February 5) Announced by on February 9.
  • - Post-performance discussion on the changing role of the First Ladies over the past 150 years with Pat Krider, executive director of the National First Ladies Library (February 3)
  • - Joined a delegation of international influencers and policy-makers including Ambassador Bill Todd, Congresswoman Kay Granger, 玉米视频 PhD candidate and Fulbrighter Erin Moriarty, Congressman Ander Crenshaw, Fulbrighter Anne Crylen, Congressman Mike Quigley, Cambodian Fulbright Alumnus Ratana Sopha (November 21-26)
  • Linking Men, Peace, and Security to the UNSCR 1325 Agenda - Participated in a panel discussion on gender in peacebuilding hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace (November 17)
  • - Read monologues as part of the Arena Stage's series with notable Washingtonians, including 玉米视频 President Neil Kerwin, reflecting on the repercussions of the U.S. Civil War. (November 2 and November 8)
  • - Joined a delegation traveling to Ukraine to observe parliamentary elections (October 26)
  • 玉米视频 Council of Life Insurers - Delivered remarks on "Partnership in Politics and Public Service: The Contributions and Legacies of America's First Ladies" (October 21)
  • Classes without Quizzes - Was featured in 玉米视频 Alumni Weekend discussion on the legacies of America's first ladies. (October 18, 2:00pm)
  • Fulbright Afghanistan Fall Enrichment Seminar - Delivered remarks welcoming Afghan Fulbrighters at event hosted by 玉米视频 University's Intercultural Management Institute (October 16)
  • 2014 Concordia Summit - Presented a session on decision-making in the White House for the "Office Hours" seminar at the summit. (September 29)
  • National Governors Association - Will deliver remarks on "First Spouse Diplomacy: Defining Your Unique Role and Public Image" (September 18)
  • Investing in Our Future at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit - Assisted in planning of First Spouses program and participated in executive training session for First Spouses' senior advisors (August 5 - 6)
  • - Delivered a keynote speech for the Peace Through Business International Women's Economic Summit in Dallas, TX (July 29)
  • - Participated in a training session on decision-making in the West Wing for federal executives (June 9)
  • - Participated in a panel discussion, "Adding Women to the Leadership Equation in Afghanistan: Lessons Learned from the U.S. - Afghan Women's Council's Rising Afghan Women Leadership Initiative." (May 20)
  • - Moderated a panel with women leaders in the democracy movement in the Middle East. The forum took place in Arizona. (April 25 - 27)
  • - Participated in PwC Women's Leadership Series through a live webcast, which partnered with author and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (April 24)
  • - Participated in a panel on first families and historic events at Camp David (April 12)
  • - Participated in Executive Strategy Session hosted by Sarah Brown, wife of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown (April 10)
  • State Legislative Leaders Foundation - Delivered remarks on role of first ladies and participated in a panel on presidential leadership at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. (March 27 - 29)
  • Afghan Rising Women Leaders Training - Doha, Qatar. Member of the leadership training team sponsored by the US/Afghan Women's Council and Georgetown University. (March 8 - 13)
  • Bethesda Wednesday Morning Group - Delivered remarks to a local women's forum about first ladies and reflections of working in the White House. (February 19)
  • - Participated in final summary segment of the yearlong series. (February 18)
  • - Delivered a presentation on the topic of first ladies and the press. (February 12)

2013 Media Archive

玉米视频 University

  • - Identified Afghan experts and U.S. State Department officials to present a panel entitled "Afghanistan and the Path to Peace Through Education." Also served as panel moderator. (November)
  • 玉米视频 Women: Conversations with 玉米视频's Most Inspiring Women -Interviewed for this newly formed 玉米视频 University speaker series, formed by Professor Iris Krasnow and 玉米视频 Vice-Provost Phyllis Peres. (March)
  • Future of U.S. Foreign Policy panel at 玉米视频 - Moderated a panel as a part of 玉米视频 University's presidential inauguration-themed events. (January)

Outside of 玉米视频 University

  • co-host Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton to discuss advancing Afghan women - (November)
  • - Delivered remarks on the Legacies of America's First Ladies at a plenary session in Florida. Also was a featured guest at a luncheon discussion with elected leaders and their spouses. Also participated in an 玉米视频 Faculty on the Road luncheon with alumni (November)
  • - Participated in a panel discussion as part of a play that examines the progress made by Afghan women as well as the challenges they continue to face since the fall of the Taliban. (October)
  • - Participated in a panel with Jackie Norris, former Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama, to discuss working in the East Wing and work-life balance in the White House. (September)
  • - Spoke with middle and high school student participants in Comstock's (Virginia's 34th district) program, which focuses on personal and career development. (August)
  • - Participated in developing and organizing the program in Tanzania. (July)
  • 玉米视频 Consulate-General in Florence - Featured guest and speaker for Women in Leadership Initiative as well as the Fulbright Program in Italy. (March)
  • Harvard University - Invited by the Kennedy School of Government - Institute of Politics Women in Leadership Series, to speak on the role of First Ladies in 玉米视频 politics. (April)
  • - Featured discussant on White House Perspectives panel held during the launch event for the C-SPAN/WHHA television series First Ladies: Influence and image. (February)
  • Republican National Convention - Participated in multiple interviews as a White House and First Lady expert in Tampa, FL. (August)
  • Running Start's National Young Women's Political Leadership Program: International Women in Politics (July)
  • The National Archives' Women in Leadership Series (June)
  • The National Constitution Center's Leadership Series (June)
  • The Richmond Historical Society (May)
  • The International Conference on Women's Leadership in Serbia (April)
  • The Meridian International Women's Diplomatic Series (March)